Saturday, May 14, 2011

This is what I came home to -- one tulip, just about to bloom

Final reflections

The falling value of the US $$ is becoming a real deterrent to European travel.

It's good to get home to the land of free toilets and water fountains, free ice water at restaurants, laundromats, wide roads and less compression. Sad to leave the land of millions of flowers, excellent food, richly diverse cultures and many languages and lively street life.

I hope to be back soon. Good-bye Europe! Hello Minnesota!

The Delft Restaurant at Schipol Airport in Amsterdam

This place was unbelievable. My open-faced sandwich came on a Delft blue ceramic platter, along with my fresh-squeezed orange juice. Pretty elegant living for an airport. I've heard that this is the top-rated airport in the world. It's easy to see why. Free luggage carts, many restaurants (including an outdoor picnic area), shops, bars and comfortable seating areas. I hate to leave! By the way, this sandwich may look like a dead chicken, but it's actually a very delicious shaved ham. The main point is the beautiful plate.

Friday, May 13, 2011

A word about coffie houses

We did not take advantage of the legal soft drugs in Amsterdam, but if any of you is interested for future purposes, you need know a few things: look for a "coffie house," as opposed to a "coffee house"; do not take any drugs off the premises or you'll be arrested; and be prepared for very strong marijuana. Also keep in mind that you need to find out where these places are online before you go, because they are not allowed to advertise. Interesting place, interesting policies.

The crooked houses of Amsterdam

Buildings are often built to lean to one side or lean forward for strategic purposes. it gives everything a rather odd look.

A bouquet of 50 tulips for 6 euros (about $9.00)

The Amsterdam flower market is pretty amazing!

A curious store window in the red-light district of Amsterdam