Thursday, April 28, 2011

Peter Shaw, our driver

Peter is justly proud of his adopted home of Luzern. (He's actually an Aussie and plans to retire there next year with his Swiss wife and grown daughters.) Here he is at the beautiful memorial to the hundreds of Swiss Guards who were killed during the French Revolution. Interestingly enough, I discovered that those guards were actually buried in Montmartre Cemetery (which I blogged about while in Paris) long before it became "the" place for artists, intellectuals and musicians to be buried in Paris. It was used as a mass grave for these guards and other victims of war.

1 comment:

  1. Louise, my mother-in-law used Peter for many years as a driver. She would love to contact him. Do you have any current contact information? My email address is:

    Thanks so much,
    Mike Toukan
